Contact us:
The email is hosted by ProtonMail. Sending an email to us with another ProtonMail will automatically trigger encryption.
It’s OK if you don’t want to do any encryption. But if you do want to do so, and if you’re using other email providers, our PGP public key is described as the following:
PGP public key:
You can obtain our public key from ProtonMail’s keyserver: hkps:// by our email: For example, to search our public key with GnuPG command line:
After gpg
finds the key, it will ask whether to import our key or not.
Another way is to import the public key directly:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: OpenPGP.js v4.6.2 Comment: xjMEXhO7oBYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAB7WlIClvNw5kamiXn7hY5orqd3eMr3bP eF3TLKB9pcHNJXB5Y2hhb0BweWNoYW8uY29tIDxweWNoYW9AcHljaGFvLmNv bT7CdwQQFgoAHwUCXhO7oAYLCQcIAwIEFQgKAgMWAgECGQECGwMCHgEACgkQ Sse6jfIC2zbljAEA5/XQ/OyG9h1xnSjCyrlHDYHAIDRGgXqiwqtAEp2a67IA /j2K7rm1Wgs5Ge3dsGrniyZOhTPF3JFnTFv84O+z3tkKzjgEXhO7oBIKKwYB BAGXVQEFAQEHQEZiK2Gj5H+v1JzThfo+j5xbOT1EeljydhezKW3OrJdoAwEI B8JhBBgWCAAJBQJeE7ugAhsMAAoJEErHuo3yAts2ysEA/2DoC0uwBezSCmM+ 0vihQDtAGnULES8WJNtziMhmW8f4AQDpjUGH3dkcIDzY1zBA2+Pk+nRwQKgW vCvBD45KCMMlAQ== =z+Pe -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----